Maintaining Good Health Even When You're Busy

  • The Symptoms Of ADHD May Be Different Than You Think

    30 November 2016

    As an adult, you may not think about whether you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. If it wasn't diagnosed as a child, it can be difficult to get a diagnosis as an adult, since the symptoms can sometimes be vague and have an impact on a lot of different parts of life. Here are some of the more unusual symptoms of ADHD that you might not have caught before.

  • Tips for Improving Asthma Symptoms

    17 November 2016

    When you or a loved one has asthma, avoiding all your triggers may be impossible. There are ways you can minimize environmental triggers and possibly achieve better asthma control. Clean Thoughtfully Minimizing dust and other allergens inside your home is important to reduce the incidence of asthma attacks. Ideally, you should purchase hypoallergenic bedding, which reduces or eliminates dust mites that enjoy living on your bed. It is best to avoid carpet inside your home and rely on hardwood or laminate floors.

  • 3 Treatments For Brain Aneurysms

    27 October 2016

    Brain aneurysms are a life-threatening medical condition because they can happen without warning and often lead to irreparable damage within seconds. When a brain aneurysm is a haphazard finding or ruptures and leaks slowly, several procedures can be used to treat the condition and possibly minimize brain damage. Endovascular Approach The treatment options available may depend on the urgency of the problem and location within the brain. Some patients may have the opportunity to undergo an endovascular approach to correct their aneurysm, especially when the aneurysm has not ruptured or there is not the immediate threat of rupture.

  • Effective Home Remedies For Varicose Veins

    10 October 2016

    Having the opportunity to wear shorts, skirts, and bathing suits is one reason that many women look forward to the summer months. Unfortunately, summer can be an uncomfortable time for women who suffer from varicose veins. These unsightly blemishes can cause women to feel self-conscious when exposing their legs in public. If you are looking for some simple solutions that might help you get rid of your varicose veins, here are three effective home remedies to try.

  • Alternatives To Home Teeth Whitening

    26 September 2016

    Home whitening kits are a popular option for dealing with stained or discolored teeth. Unfortunately, they don't always work for everyone. In some cases, they can even lead to increased tooth sensitivity. If you've experienced something like this but still want to improve the appearance of your teeth, talk with a cosmetic dentist today about your options. He or she can help you find a more effective option. Here are a few things you can consider.

  • Can You Still Bring An Aggressive Dog To Doggy Day Care?

    5 August 2016

    Owning a dog is always a challenge, but when you are also dealing with aggression in your pet, it can sometimes be a nightmare. Aggression is a common condition in dogs, a combined result of genetics, environmental factors and the unique personality quirks of your pet. But while it may be easy to understand, this aggression can be anything but easy to deal with, particularly if you need to board your dog or send it to doggy daycare.

  • Should You Stop Taking Antidepressants Before And During Pregnancy?

    5 August 2016

    If you are currently taking any type of antidepressant for help with the depression or anxiety you suffer from, you may wonder if you should stop taking the medication if you want to become pregnant. There are risks involved with stopping the medication and risks involved with continuing to take the medication, and you will need to talk to your doctor about what is right for you. Here are a few things you should understand about this.

  • 5 Tips For Preventing Cataracts

    26 July 2016

    Cataracts can lead to permanent vision loss and is more common among the elderly, obese individuals, and those who smoke. That is why it is important to start taking better care of your eyes and avoid things that can harm them. Here are five helpful tips for preventing cataracts: Do not Forget Your Sunglasses The sun's ultraviolet rays can harm more than your complexion; they can also damage your eyesight. If you frequently expose your eyes to sunlight, the cornea can absorb the radiation, increasing the risk of cataracts.

  • Go With An Internist For Your Primary Care Physician

    11 July 2016

    While many people go with a general practitioner for their primary care physician, as an adult, you should at least consider going with an internist. Note that an internist is not the same thing as an intern. While a intern or resident physician is someone who is studying to be a doctor, an internist is a doctor of internal medicine. So what makes an internist a better option than a general practitioner?

  • 3 Steps To Take After Your Child Is Exposed To Lice

    8 July 2016

    Its every parent's worst nightmare-- your child's school calls to inform you that students in your child's class have head lice. Lice is very contagious, and it can spread rapidly in children who are in close contact with each other. Luckily, head lice are not dangerous or harmful to your child, but getting rid of lice can be a frustrating process. If your child has been exposed to lice, use the following tips: