Maintaining Good Health Even When You're Busy

  • How Can You Protect Your Eyes From Melanoma?

    28 June 2016

    Did you know that you can develop melanoma not only on your skin, but also on the tissues in the back of your eye? Known as ocular melanoma, this type of melanoma often goes undiagnosed until it is quite severe, since it does not cause any symptoms in its early stages. While there are treatments, they often end up permanently impeding the patient's vision. For this reason, it's of the utmost importance to do all that you can to protect your eyes from melanoma.

  • 3 Signs That Dental Implants Might Be A Better Choice Than Dentures

    26 May 2016

    If you are thinking about getting dentures, you might be nervous about making the transition. Dentures can make a huge difference in your life if you are missing multiple teeth, but they are not the right choice for everyone. The following are a few signs that you might want to talk to a dental professional about dental implants instead. 1. You're Only Missing a Few Teeth For those who are missing a lot of teeth -- or who have serious issues with a lot of their teeth -- dentures can sometimes be an easier and more cost-effective option.

  • Four Spa Treatments That Help Relieve Back Pain

    26 May 2016

    You might not consider a day spa someplace that you would visit when you're looking for pain therapy. However, day spas offer a variety of different services, some of which could help ease your back pain. Learn what type of spa services may help reduce back pain and why. Massage Having a traditional back massage is a great way to relieve back pain. Massages help alleviate muscle spasms and relieve the tension in your muscles, providing you with immediate pain relief.

  • 3 Natural Remedies To Combat The Insane Hormonal Fluctuations Of Pregnancy

    9 April 2016

    Pregnancy is filled with all of those wonderful moments and is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but with your hormones in full fluctuation mode, pregnancy can be everything from a quick temper you never thought you had to tears at the silliest things. There may be some aspects of pregnancy hormones that just cannot be avoided, but there are things that you can do to help keep your cool and regulate those hormone levels at least a little to make being pregnant not feel so much like an emotional roller coaster.

  • Weight-Loss Balloon Treatment: Key Questions And Answers

    29 March 2016

    Many people who are overweight have considerable difficulty in losing the extra weight and keeping it off. A new treatment, however, known as weight-loss balloon surgery, has shown a lot of promise in helping individuals with serious weight problems. Here are some key questions and answers regarding this innovative procedure.  How Does It Work?  The process involves a doctor placing a balloon into your stomach using a special tool known as an endoscope. Once the balloon is in your stomach, it's filled with saline and expands. The expanded balloon takes up space in the stomach, which makes you feel full even when you eat less.

  • 4 Tips for Preparing for Your Scheduled MRI

    10 March 2016

    If you have never had an MRI done before, you might not know just what it is that you need to do in order to prepare for it. To help you with this, you will want to check out the following tips for MRI preparation. Make Sure You Mention All Your Medical Conditions Do not assume that everything is simply listed in your medical file an that the MRI technicians will see it.

  • When It's More Than Pain: 3 Medical Conditions That Can Start With Back Pain

    22 February 2016

    Back pain is a common problem and is often caused by injuries, or brushed off as a sign of increasing age. However, back pain should be taken seriously because it can be a warning sign of chronic conditions or escalate to have profound musculoskeletal and/or neurological effects. Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a type of inflammatory arthritis that typically affects the spine and pelvis. People with AS may have vague back pain, which often begins in their teens.

  • What Types Of Plastic Surgery Are Performed On Children?

    5 February 2016

    While plastic surgery is generally considered a type of procedure to be performed on consenting adults, there are also a variety of procedures for children. Pediatric plastic surgery is most often done for reconstructive work and some cosmetic procedures to correct birth defects and genetic abnormalities. If you are interested in being involved in plastic surgery, but also want to work with children, you may be performing the following procedures.

  • How Can You Tell If You Have Syphilis?

    18 January 2016

    Although it's a serious condition, the earlier stages of syphilis can be cured with appropriate levels of antibiotics. However, once syphilis progresses to later stages, permanent damage to the nervous system and heart can occur. This is why it's important that you recognize the early symptoms of syphilis. The earlier that you're able to recognize the signs of syphilis, the easier it will be to treat your condition. How can you tell if you have syphilis?

  • Diet Mistakes During Pregnancy That Could Aggravate Morning Sickness

    7 January 2016

    For many women, morning sickness is the most unpleasant aspect of pregnancy. It's frustrating to experience nausea that diminishes appetite at a time when you most need to be supplied with abundant sources of nutrients. If you've been struggling with morning sickness, it could be because of your diet. The following are five diet mistakes to avoid that could be contributing to your morning sickness discomfort.  Feasting rather than grazing