Maintaining Good Health Even When You're Busy

2 Tips For Making Yourself More Comfortable When You Have Blepharitis

by Caitlin Obara

After experiencing swelling in your eyelids and dealing with a thick, crusty discharge that almost holds your eyelids shut, you may have visited an ophthalmologist who diagnosed you with blepharitis. While the doctor may have given you medicine to treat the condition, you may still have some discomfort for which you are trying to find relief. If so, use the following tips to help make yourself more comfortable.

1.  Lay a Warm, Moist Compress Over Your Eyes

When you have blepharitis, your eyelids will swell because of the inflammation. Also, because of the irritation, your ducts will overproduce tears and oil, which creates the crusty film that you have caked on your eyelids and eyelashes.

One thing that you can do several times a day to help reduce some of the swelling and soften the crusty discharge is to lay a warm, moist compress over your eyes. The heat will help increase the blood flow to the area so that the excess will move out of your eyelids.

However, make sure your compress is not too hot, as this could damage your eyelids and eyes. Before putting it on your eyes, lay the compress on the inside of your wrist. If it feels too hot on the thin skin in this area, it will be too hot for your eyes. Wait until you can comfortably lay the compress on your wrist.

2.  Wash Your Eyelids with Baby Shampoo

Even with regular warm compresses, you may have some crusty discharge that refuses to budge. This is especially true when your first wake up. To get the crust off of your eyes, you will need to wash it off.

However, do not use regular soap or even any facial cleansers on your eyes, as either of these may irritate them and increase the discharge. Instead, use a small amount of baby shampoo to wash your eyelids. Baby shampoo is designed to be gentle and will not hurt your eyes.

To wash your eyelids, first apply a moist compress as described in the first section for about five minutes to soften the hardened discharge. Then, apply a small drop of shampoo on a soft washcloth, and gently wipe your eyelids. To rinse the shampoo off, pat your eyelids with a fresh, damp cloth.

Using the above tips can help reduce some of the swelling and remove the crusty discharge on your eyes while you are undergoing treatment for blepharitis. For more information about taking care of your eyes and staying comfortable during treatment, speak with an ophthalmology service.
