Maintaining Good Health Even When You're Busy

3 Things You Need To Know About Your Newborn's Pee And Poop

by Caitlin Obara

After giving birth, you will have a lot of questions about the changes in your body as well as your baby's health and wellness. From when to feed to how long they should be sleeping, the questions about your baby's growth and development will be endless. One part of your newborn's health that you may not want to talk about is their poop, but it's not something you should ignore. This guide will help you learn a few key things regarding your newborn's poop.

Meconium Matters

While it may sound like a fancy name, meconium is basically your baby's very first poop. This poop will be different from the numerous poops that follow since meconium will not contain any formula or breast milk – it will, however, contain materials that your baby ingested in utero.

In most cases, meconium will not have any odor, but the sight of it may still make you cringe. Even though it may not look healthy, healthy meconium will be thick, sticky, and dark-greenish/black in color.

Unfortunately, some babies actually pass the meconium while still in utero, before or during birth, which can be dangerous. The babies may inhale the meconium, affecting their ability to breathe, which can be life-threatening.

Of course, most newborns will pass meconium after birth, continuing to pass the meconium over the course of their first day of life.

Pink Spots Are Normal

After a few days, your baby's poop will change to different colors and consistency depending on how much and what they are eating. If you change your baby's diaper and see small pink spots, your first inclination may be to go to the emergency room, but you should avoid panicking.

The pink spots are actually not from their poop, but from their urine. During the first few days, uric acid will be in your baby's urine, leaving behind the pinkish spots in the diaper. If the pinkish spots are still showing after a few days or you are noticing reddish spots in your baby's actual poop, contact your pediatrician.

A Lot of Poop Expected

Most parents will tell you to stock up on diapers for a reason – your baby will wet and dirty their diapers a lot. While you will be changing more wet diapers than dirty diapers, you should know how much poop to expect.

Newborn babies can have up to 10 bowel movements a day. If your baby does not have a bowel movement for a day, consider how many wet diapers they have. As long as they are eating and having numerous wet diapers, they are most likely fine, but you can always consult your pediatrician for more information if you are concerned. 

For more information, contact a local pediatric clinic like Willow Oak Pediatrics
