If you've recently started wearing contact lenses, what you don't know about lens care could lead to an eye infection. You might think that all you need to do is put them in and let them go. However, your contacts will need special care and handling if you want to keep your eyes healthy. Here are some simple tips for taking proper care of your contact lenses.
Wash Your Hands
Before you touch your contacts, be sure that your hands are clean. This is the first rule of keeping your contacts clean and sanitary. You would probably think twice before sticking your dirty fingers in your eyes. However, that's exactly what you're doing if you touch your contacts with dirty hands. Wash your hands with soap and then dry them thoroughly before touching your contacts. This will ensure that you don't transfer germs and bacteria to your eyes.
Keep Them Clean
Your contacts go straight onto your eyes so you need to start with clean lenses. Your optometrist will give you specific cleaning instructions but it's important that you use fresh cleaning solution each time you clean your contacts. Don't be tempted to reuse the cleaning solution. It could be filled with germs and bacteria that may harm your eyes.
Take Them Out Before Bed
You should never sleep in your contacts unless you've checked with your optometrist first. Prolonged usage of your contacts can cause bacteria to develop between the contact and your eyes. This can lead to vision problems and infections.
Avoid Water
Take your contacts out before you get in any type of water, including bathtubs, hot tubs, or swimming pools. Water can contain an organism called Acanthamoeba. This organism can actually attach to your contacts and then burrow into the cornea of your eye. Once it finds its way into your eye it will cause severe damage.
Report Problems Immediately
Now that you're wearing contacts, it's important that you monitor your eyes for potential problems. Eye infections can cause serious damage to your eyes. Some of the symptoms you should be watching for include:
If you develop any of these symptoms, you should report them to an optometrist, such as Jeffrey C. Fogt, OD, as soon as possible.
Contact lenses are a great way to correct your vision. Following these simple steps will help keep your eyes healthy and your vision clear. Be sure to contact your optometrist if you develop any vision problems while wearing contacts.