Going to the dentist used to be for a cleaning or to have a cavity filled, but more and more dentists are now offering cosmetic procedures that can transform your smile. If you feel like your smile could use some improvement, ask your dentist about the following:
Teeth Whitening
A gorgeous white smile is very desirable, and your dentist can help you obtain it. There are several ways to get noticeably whiter teeth, and your dentist may offer an in-office and at-home option. If you elect to have your teeth whitened in your dentist's office, the procedure will involve your dentist carefully applying a high powered whitening agent to your teeth. In some cases, a special light or laser may be used to accelerate the whitening.
If you would like to whiten your teeth at home, your dentist can make you a custom tray kit. This involves creating a mold of your teeth to ensure that the trays fit perfectly. You will then be sent home with a whitening solution to use with your trays. Don't confuse a teeth whitening kit from your dentist with one that you can buy at the drug stores. Dentists are able to give patients a whitening agent that is a much higher concentration than retail whitening agents, so your teeth get whiter faster.
Invisible Aligners
Have you always wanted straight teeth, but are not interested in traditional braces? Wearing invisible aligners may be the perfect solution for you. Invisible aligners are clear retainers that are worn for a prescribed amount of time, and then switched out for a new aligner. Over time, the aligners will shift your teeth, creating a straight, beautiful smile. Consult your dentist to see if you are a good candidate for invisible aligners.
One of the most effective ways to totally transform the appearance of your smile is with veneers. This procedure involves having "shells" placed over your teeth, drastically changing the color and shape of your smile. Veneers are typically made of porcelain or resin, and once they are attached to your teeth, they will look just like natural teeth. Each set of veneers is custom made, so your dentist can work with you to create the exact smile you have always wanted.
If you have chipped or irregularly shaped teeth, bonding can correct the issue. Bonding involves your dentist shaping tooth colored resin on to your tooth, and then polishing it until it is set. After the procedure is complete, your chipped or irregularly shaped tooth will look just like a perfect, natural tooth.
For more information, contact Smile Designers Family Dentistry or a similar location.