1 August 2019
When it comes to your hearing, you need to be proactive. Experiencing hearing loss can be really detrimental if you don't address and take care of your hearing loss. Luckily, with a hearing loss test, you can pinpoint what is wrong with your hearing and take steps to address your hearing loss so that you can continue to hear those around you and enjoy your life. Hearing Tests Are Painless
1 August 2019
Men lose testosterone as they age, and while this may be a completely natural thing to have happen, it doesn't mean you have to be comfortable with it happening to you. Luckily, there is therapy for this type of thing, called testosterone replacement therapy. This therapy is given to you in many forms: you can get this type of hormone replacement in injection, pills, and even a deodorant or cream.
2 July 2019
After experiencing swelling in your eyelids and dealing with a thick, crusty discharge that almost holds your eyelids shut, you may have visited an ophthalmologist who diagnosed you with blepharitis. While the doctor may have given you medicine to treat the condition, you may still have some discomfort for which you are trying to find relief. If so, use the following tips to help make yourself more comfortable. 1. Lay a Warm, Moist Compress Over Your Eyes
30 May 2019
Getting your child the proper immunizations is one of the most important steps to take as a parent. If you are concerned about specific vaccines, it is best to talk to your doctor about them. One immunization that many parents have questions about is the hepatitis B vaccine, which is sometimes referred to as HepB. Take a look at some of the questions most parents tend to have. What is hepatitis B?
19 April 2019
If you're not getting the most out of your senior years, it's time to make some changes. If you're like most people who've reached the golden years, you've found them to be accompanied by fatigue, sore muscles and joints, and a general run-down feeling. Not to mention the fact that old age also brings a wide variety of medical issues. That's why you need to add medical cannabis to your daily routine.
1 March 2019
After giving birth, you will have a lot of questions about the changes in your body as well as your baby's health and wellness. From when to feed to how long they should be sleeping, the questions about your baby's growth and development will be endless. One part of your newborn's health that you may not want to talk about is their poop, but it's not something you should ignore. This guide will help you learn a few key things regarding your newborn's poop.
11 January 2019
Just like adults, children have to visit the doctor from time to time for various illnesses or injuries. However, children tend to be more uneasy about going to the doctor's office because they anticipate pain or do not know what to expect. As a parent, there are several things you can do to prepare your child for a doctor's visit. 1. Tell Your Child At the Right Time When discussing doctor's appointments with children, timing is everything.